Water diet - pros and cons and menu for the week

Water diet for weight loss

The water diet in one go is considered a "diet" in the traditional sense of the word. Adherence to the correct drinking regime is a prerequisite. There are also therapeutic fasting methods, but that is a topic for another article.

Usually the time of weight loss is very difficult. We have to give up many favorite foods: sweet, starchy, fried, etc. The water diet consists of balanced fluid intake.

Misconceptions about this diet

Opinions about such a weight loss system are contradictory. This is due to the multitude of myths surrounding balanced hydration:

  • "Water instead of food" - many people think that such a diet is just about drinking water without food. This is not so: without food, great harm will be done to the body. The person will feel worse. With this methodlosing weight, you need to abandon high-calorie products, but not healthy foods, in this case you just need to follow the drinking regimen.
  • "The colder the water, the faster you can lose extra pounds" is a misconception. The body absorbs the liquid only when it has warmed up to the required temperature. In order for the metabolism to start faster, water should be warm (37-40°C) to be drunk.
  • "The more you drink, the better the outcome" is a myth that leads to negative consequences. The body should get as much fluid as it can handle. Its excess expands the stomach and requires more food. Too much water strains theKidneys too much Intracranial pressure may increase: pathologies of the cardiovascular system appear.

In order for the water regime to bring results, you must comply with all the rules, which we will discuss below.


Humans are made up of 80% water. It is needed for metabolic processes. Dehydration leads to metabolic disorders, swelling, deterioration in health and the appearance of extra pounds. Nutritionists recommend drinking artesian mineral water without gas.

Drinking regime does not mean abstaining from food.

The main thing is to monitor the amount of liquid you drink, the time it is taken, etc. According to reviews of people who did this diet, it helps to lose up to 10 kg.

General rules

When the body loses at least 10% of the fluid it needs, serious health problems begin. Everything can end in death.

Water is a solvent for organic and inorganic compounds, without which organs and systems cannot function normally. All biochemical processes take place with the participation of liquid. It speeds up the reaction speed.

Water is one of the components of blood and transports the necessary substances to all organs and systems. Regulates the temperature and the digestive process. The liquid removes toxic elements, toxins and performs many other important tasks.

Many people, trying to lose extra pounds, buy various drugs, special underwear, laxative teas, etc. Their purpose is to "dry" the body. In other words, dehydration.

These weight loss methods, if they help to reduce weight, then for a short time. In addition, such methods cause serious damage to health.

Experts believe that extra pounds appear as a result of dehydration. Therefore, the best diet will be: create a drinking regime.

Average daily water intake

advantages and disadvantages

The system of the correct drinking cure has the following advantages:

  • You don't have to spend a lot of time preparing special diet dishes.
  • no need to count calories burned;
  • You cannot increase physical activity.
  • Budget savings: does not mean using exotic products that cost a lot of money;
  • relative harmlessness;
  • does not provoke allergic reactions;
  • water satisfies hunger;
  • gives lightness and a feeling of weightlessness.

Despite the multitude of positive aspects, the diet also has a number of disadvantages:

  • Side effects: dizziness, nausea, etc. ;
  • the feeling of satiety passes quickly, the person feels hungry again;
  • hard to bear;
  • washes out nutrients (especially potassium and calcium);
  • frequent urination.

Before deciding on a diet, you need to think carefully. Weigh the pros and cons. "

What water is allowed?

Soda is not suitable: it irritates the inner lining of the gastrointestinal tract and provokes an increase in appetite. Coffee, tea, alcohol have a diuretic effect and lead to dehydration. Therefore, they cannot be drunk.

It is best to use meltwater that has turned into a liquid form no more than seven hours ago. Its beneficial properties are due to the absence of hard salts. Ordinary table water is suitable. However, when consuming it, you need to know the measure.

It is necessary not to drink more than the amount prescribed in the instructions. Otherwise, you can provoke spasms, increased intracranial pressure and washout of useful elements.

Melt water is the best option for a water diet


The diet involves fractional eating. To achieve a result, the daily number of calories is no more than 1200 or 1500. Some sources speak of less calories, less than 1000 or even 800 Kcal per day. Remember that such a low daily calorie content will not lead to anything good. Girls should eat at least 1200 kcal and men at least 1500 kcal.

There are several types of diets. Each of them provides a glass of warm water in the morning after waking up, with every meal and before going to bed.

Don't drink while eating. Fluid is acceptable 90 minutes after eating.

A day diet

  • Breakfast: oatmeal 250 gr, curd mass.
  • Snack: a few slices of melon.
  • Lunch: a bowl of nettle soup.
  • Afternoon snack: kiwi or bread.
  • Dinner: 0. 2 kg of veal or stew with fish fillet.

3 days

On day 1:

  • Breakfast: an egg, some cheese rolls;
  • Lunch: Mango;
  • Lunch: salad with vegetables and cheese, 150 grams of chicken breast;
  • afternoon snack: applesauce;
  • Dinner: steamed vegetables 150 grams and beef 100 grams.

2 day:

  • Breakfast: a couple of toasts, 150 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2nd breakfast: apple;
  • Lunch: a mixture of vegetables, toast, 150 grams of tuna;
  • afternoon snack: pear;
  • Dinner: coleslaw, egg, cheese sandwich.

3rd day:

  • 1st meal: a few toasts, a mixture of vegetables, boiled chicken 150 grams;
  • lunch: peach;
  • Lunch: soup on lean broth, 100 grams of chicken fillet, toast;
  • afternoon snack: orange;
  • Dinner: steamed vegetables, steamed cutlet, toast.

Twenty to thirty minutes before breakfast, before meals, a couple of hours before bedtime, you need to drink 300 ml of warm water.

fifth day

On the first day:

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomatoes;
  • 2nd meal: jelly;
  • Lunch break: vegetable soup, 100 grams of chicken or turkey breast;
  • afternoon snack: melon;
  • Dinner: bean compote, 0. 2 l yoghurt without additives.

2 day:

  • 1st meal: a few toasts, an egg;
  • 2. Breakfast: 30 g nuts;
  • Lunch break: vegetable stew, 100 g of liver;
  • afternoon tea: grapes;
  • Dinner: 200 g of mushrooms.

3rd day:

  • Breakfast: three spoons of rice, tomato;
  • Lunch: Raisins;
  • Lunch: three cabbage rolls, mixed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: pear puree;
  • Dinner: summer salad, low-calorie curd mass.

Day 4: dumping on apples (drink 1. 5 kg of fruit per day, 0. 3 l of water 20 minutes before and after meals).

Fifth day:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, cheese;
  • afternoon snack: nectarine;
  • Lunch break: cabbage soup, crayfish 0. 2 kg;
  • Afternoon snack: 2-3 plums;
  • Dinner: 200 grams of rabbit, 150 grams of low-calorie cottage cheese, orange.

A five-day course will accelerate fat loss, cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and toxins. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of 4-5 kg.

Seven days

A week-long weight loss regimen requires 2-3 liters of water per day. Dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime.

Example menu:

  • Breakfast: protein foods like chicken breast or tuna;
  • Lunch: vegetable broth, diet meat, stewed, boiled, raw vegetables;
  • Dinner: meat, fish, vegetables cooked in a water bath;
  • Snacks: fruit, nuts, dried fruit.

With a seven-day diet, you can lose up to ten kilograms.

The principle of the water diet is compliance with the drinking regime, coupled with the use of whole foods

Ten day

First days:

  • in the morning: 2 eggs, a few slices of bread;
  • Day: 200 g tuna, bread;
  • Snack: cottage cheese mass with herbs;
  • in the evening: a cocktail of seaweed, squid and carrots.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs;
  • Lunch: mushroom and cabbage soup, stewed pumpkin;
  • Snack: dried fruit;
  • Dinner: stuffed eggplant.

Third day:

  • Morning meal: oatmeal, two tomatoes;
  • Lunch: stew, poultry 150 g;
  • Snack: cauliflower and grapefruit salad;
  • Evening: grilled tuna, two toasts.

Fourth day:

  • Morning: 150 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Day: a mixture of 4 quail eggs, chicken broth, vegetables;
  • Snack: apple puree;
  • in the evening: 0. 2 kg of baked rabbit, two toasts.

Fifth day:

  • Breakfast: omelette with two eggs;
  • Lunch: chicken soup without potatoes, vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack: apricots;
  • Dinner: Zucchini up the sleeve with lemon juice.

The menu is repeated for the next five days.

The last meal is a few hours before bedtime.

Diet for 14 days

1 day:

  • Breakfast: egg, bread, cheese;
  • Morning snack: pear, half a glass of cherries;
  • Lunch: 150 g chicken fillet, 250 g mix of seasonal vegetables with lemon juice, bread;
  • Afternoon snack: peach 2 pieces ;
  • Dinner: 139 grams of veal, 250 grams of stewed vegetables.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: two crackers, 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: a bowl of soup, a salad of cilantro, carrots, radishes;
  • Afternoon snack: two pears;
  • Dinner: 100 g of buckwheat, 150 g of boiled greens and half a grapefruit.

Third day:

  • in the morning: fruit salad;
  • Day: a bowl of quail broth with crackers, 150 g of steamed asparagus;
  • Afternoon snack: four pieces of dried apricots;
  • Dinner: two potatoes "in uniform", 200 grams of mushrooms.

Day 4:

  • Breakfast: two loaves of bread, a few tangerines;
  • Lunch: millet, bread, apple;
  • afternoon snack: summer salad;
  • Dinner: two schnitzels, seaweed salad.

Fifth day:

  • Morning: three spoons of buckwheat, two tomatoes;
  • Lunch: okroshka, two pieces of bread;
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g frozen berries;
  • Dinner: cabbage and carrot salad, 150 g turkey, peach.

Day 6:

  • Breakfast: three spoons of rice and a pear;
  • Lunch: 200 g chicken liver, vegetable mix;
  • Afternoon snack: two kiwis;
  • Dinner: 150 g of steamed pork without layers of fat, vegetable salad.

Seventh day:

  • in the morning: fruit salad with cottage cheese;
  • day: soup, hard-boiled egg;
  • Snack: kernels of three walnuts;
  • Evening: 250 g crab, vegetable salad, two toasts.

In the second week the menu is repeated.

diet for a month

Sample daily menu:

  • in the morning: buckwheat, rice or scrambled eggs, vegetables without heat treatment;
  • brunch: fruit;
  • day: soup, meat, vegetable salad;
  • Afternoon snack: berries, nuts, dried fruits;
  • in the evening: boiled vegetables, fish or mushrooms with a slice of bread.

Fluid intake, as with other diets.

Exit without consequences and second use

Returning to the usual diet, as a rule, passes without problems for the body. After a four-day diet, the amount of fluid consumed is reduced.

Water can be replaced with green tea, juices.

When returning to a normal diet, it is advisable to consume fermented milk products, first courses, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, etc. After a while, the amount of daily liquid should be reduced to 1. 5-2 liters. Even after losing weight, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm water before eating. This improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

If the weight loss system provided for a significant excess of the daily amount of water compared to the usual one, you can go on a diet again no earlier than three to four weeks. During this period, the kidneys rest from a strong overload: problems in the urinary system do not arise.

side effects

Weight loss on the water has side effects. Abuse can cause:

  • kidney problems, swelling;
  • heavy load on the cardiovascular system;
  • slowing down weight loss (excess fluid inhibits fat loss);
  • water-salt imbalance;
  • Calcium leaching: causes cramps, joint pain.

In the reviews, people who are on a diet speak about the effectiveness of this method of losing weight, while the negative is usually associated with the occurrence of side effects, frequent dizziness and fainting. Experts assume that this is about improper compliance with recommendations, for example too low a daily calorie content. As we have already said, you need to eat at least 1200 Kcal.

In order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to strictly observe the daily volume of fluids specified in the recommendations. Diet no longer than half a month.


The water weight loss system cannot be used for kidney disease, diabetes mellitus and increased intravenous pressure.

Go on an obesity diet with caution. Due to the high concentration of insulin in the blood, severe swelling can occur.

Before losing weight, you need to consult a doctor.

To the water options


For those who want to lose excess weight, pregnant women. Compliance with the drinking regimen in the first trimester "saves" from toxicosis. In the later stages, eliminates swelling in the limbs. While maintaining the regime, the volume of water increases and the amount of salt consumed decreases. As a result, the liquid does not lag behind, fat in problem areas becomesabsorbed. Duration: no more than seven days. While waiting for the child, the process should be accompanied by a specialist. Leave 2-3 kg. Can be repeated after six weeks.

Taro Kefir

Allowed bread with bran or without yeast. 1. 5 liters of kefir and 10 glasses of water without gas are drunk per day. Duration - no more than 14 days. During this time, up to 5 kg fall off. After a few months, you can go on a diet again.

water without milk

You can use any low-calorie products, with the exception of dairy products. The diet should not last more than a week. It will help you lose up to 10 kg. However, such weight loss does not have the best effect on health. You can repeat in a month and a half.

tea room

Based on the fivefold use of green tea. The drink should be of high quality and large-leaved. It is brewed with purified water. This diet option should not be chosen if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Duration - 1-2 weeks. Repeat is allowed in two months. With this system you can lose 8-10 kg.

Green tea is the basis of one of the water diet options

Tea Japanese

Per day you need to drink 1. 5 liters of Japanese tea. The rest of the liquid consists of water and herbal decoction. A drink from Japan has antioxidant, cleansing properties. It breaks down body fat quickly. This diet option helps to lose 9-11 kg, but should not be repeated more than once in six months.

water apple

It is considered quite heavy, not everyone can withstand it, it helps to lose 2-5 kg, cleanse the digestive tract. Weight loss lasts three days. In the first two days you only need to eat apples in the amount of 2 kg and drink water in a volume of 2. 5 liters. On the third day, the diet can be diversified with two tablespoons of oatmeal. Apples contain a large amount of fruit acids. These substances irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa: the feeling of hunger increases. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat fruit before bedtime: the craving for food will not allow you to sleep peacefully. You can return to the diet after three months.

water protein

Provides a minimal amount of calories but is easily tolerated. It is recommended to combine the diet with sports training for greater effectiveness. You need to drink 2. 5 liters of water a day. The daily menu consists of protein-rich foods. No more than 1, 200 kcal are allowed per day. The diet lasts 5 days. Leave 4-5 kg. Repeat application: after 1. 5 months.

If, with any diet option, the state of health deteriorates, malaise appears, it is necessary to stop weight loss. It is advisable to contact a specialist.

Fluid Volume Table

The amount of water consumed is individual for people of different weight classes:

body weight in kilograms The amount of liquid in liters
55 2nd 2nd
60 2nd 4th
65 2nd 6th
70 2nd 8th
80 3rd 2nd
100 four

To calculate daily fluid intake, multiply weight by 40. The resulting number tells you how much water you need to drink per day in ml.


Even though the water diet is all about eating low-calorie foods, that doesn't mean they have to taste bad. There are many recipes that make losing weight fun.

Watermelon with Lime

For cooking you will need:

  • Watermelon pulp;
  • a bunch of mint;
  • four limes or lemons.

cooking method:

  • divide the berry into four parts;
  • cut into equal slices or form into balls;
  • mint mixed with 2 tbsp. l. lime slurry;
  • Place the slices on a plate, pour over the lime juice and sprinkle with a mixture of zest and mint.
Watermelon with lime in water diet

apple salad


  • Apple;
  • Egg;
  • Parsely;
  • Basil.


  • boil the egg until fully cooked;
  • eliminate the yolk;
  • pass the protein and fruit of the apple tree through a coarse grater;
  • add the herbs to the salad.

The dish is topped with basil.

If you follow a water diet, you can make a salad of apples and eggs

fruit curd


  • Cottage cheese;
  • Apple;
  • lemon juice;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 3-4 walnuts.

cooking method:

  • Dice the apple and carefully pour lemon juice over it;
  • leave for ten minutes for impregnation;
  • mix with honey, nut kernels, cottage cheese.
Fruit cottage cheese - a healthy breakfast on the water diet menu

Nutritionists' opinions on the water diet are generally similar. Experts say that water has a good effect on the activity of all organs and systems, but its excessive use is even more dangerous than dehydration. This adversely affects the cardiovascular and urinary systems. In everything you need to know the measure.